Bond Through Archaeology

Create, Connect, Communicate 

Bond through archaeology. Discover yourself…

Through themes based on Indian archaeology, we work with you to:

Create: new skills and innovative thinking

 Connect: with people and nature: past and present

Communicate: your vision & share those of others

  • Our workshops stimulate what lies buried within you: detective, truth-seeker, creative artist and story-teller, skilled craftsmen, thinker, care-giver, provider …

  • Workshops have 3 aims: team-building, personal development and awareness creation of India’s ancient heritage.

  • They are structured around archaeological themes beginning with our deepest prehistoric past; closely linked to aspects of environmental change and natural sciences.

  • Interactive sessions with professional archaeologists are combined with hands-on learning of ancient skills, and intensive out-door and lab based activities bringing together past and present in new and dynamic ways. 

The workshops are from 3 hours to 1 day in length and are tailored to suit the needs of each participating group. 

Both in-house and traveling modules are present. 

Contact us for further details


Dr. Wilfried Aulbur, Senior Partner, Member of the Supervisory Board, Roland Berger

“An exciting and innovative experience awaited our executives at the workshop ‘Teams, Time and Talent’, a corporate team building workshop organised by the Sharma Centre Heritage Education, in their Bond Through Archaeology series. Participants experienced unique situations where concepts of cooperation, competition, and teamwork were invoked to solve exciting tasks set in the deep past. Carefully structured programs led us to draw on our innate potential and talents, stirring creativity and exploring hidden dimensions of our personalities. The unique theme of archaeology also exposed us to otherwise unknown aspects of India’s ancient culture and heritage. Altogether, a refreshing and unique change to strategize team-building and to simultaneously expose corporate India to different worlds.”